Support the Library
Donations of Books and Journals
The Schusterman Library at OU-Tulsa is unable to accept donations of books, journal issues and volumes, textbooks, and other materials for the general circulating collection. Please consider other options for sharing your materials, including public libraries, used bookstores, or charitable organizations.
If your potential gift falls within one of the following categories, the library would be willing to consider but cannot guarantee an exception to our policy:
Items pertaining to the development of the Tulsa Medical College
Items pertaining to the history of the Schusterman Library or OU-Tulsa
Items of local interest not already part of the library collection; specifically, current materials (not including textbooks) that directly supplement the campus's academic programs
Library staff cannot appraise the value of any gift material. Donors may have independent professionals appraisals performed for especially valuable gifts.
Stewart Brower
Toni Hoberecht
Technical Services Librarian