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Give Financial Support

Given the realities of declining state funding, our continued excellence depends on private support from donors like you. Please consider giving a gift to support our library programs, services, and collections.

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Donate Materials

The Schusterman Library is no longer able to routinely accept most donations of books and other materials for the general circulating collection. This change in policy is due to significant space constraints and the high cost of sorting, reviewing, and processing donated material. Please consider other options for sharing your materials, including public libraries, used bookstores, or charitable organizations.

If you feel your potential gift is of critical research interest to the Schusterman Library at OU-Tulsa, such as items of local interest, please provide us with a description and characterization of the material via one of the contact points below. Library staff cannot appraise the value of the gift material. Donors may have independent professional appraisals performed for especially valuable gifts.

Stewart Brower

Toni Hoberecht
Technical Services Librarian