Resource Guide for Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications

An EBSCO database, Academic Search Premier is a multidisciplinary database covering social sciences, humanities, education, physical and life sciences, and ethnic studies. To learn how to search Academic Search Premier, check out this interactive tutorial.

Includes journal and newsletter articles and conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery and affiliated organizations. Full text available.

Need something special? One of the electronic resources available through the University of Oklahoma Libraries may help. A list of full-text journal titles included in each one is also provided. You may need to log in to access the list.

A web-based virtual community for engineers and other technical professionals. Access to EI COMPENDEX WEB database, which indexes and abstracts engineering journals, conferences, and reports.

Full text of IEEE/IEE journals, proceedings and standards.

Your connection to science, technology, and engineering research information from the U.S. Department of Energy. Provides free public access to over 230,000 full-text documents and bibliographic citations from 1991 forward. Consolidates the contents of OSTI's Information Bridge and Energy Citations Database.

Provides access to technical papers from SPIE journals and conference proceedings. Full text available.

Multidisciplinary index covering topics in the sciences, social sciences and humanities. It is the electronic equivalent of the Arts & Humanities Citation IndexSocial Sciences Citation Index, and Science Citation Index. Some full text available.

Salomon, D. (2010) 5th ed. New edition of a major text which includes chapters on basic methods of data compression, variable-length codes, statistical methods, dictionary-based methods, methods for image compression, wavelet methods, video compression, audio compression.

Crossroads is the ACM student magazine, available free to all ACM student members. Crossroads provides students with accessible articles on a wide range of computer science related topics and a forum to share work with others.

Designed for an audience working in the wireless communications and networking communities. It covers technical, policy and standard issues relating to wireless communications in all media.

The mission of MIT Technology Review is to bring about better-informed and more conscious decisions about technology through authoritative, influential, and trustworthy journalism.

Learn how to search Academic Search Premier.

Resources for common copyright issues.

Follow this self-paced tutorial to learn about resources and services at Schusterman Library.

Learn how to search for books, articles, and more using the Schusterman Library website.

Learn how to improve your searching using Boolean Operators.

Choose the best journal for your research with help from Think. Check. Submit.

Learn the basics of Zotero with this quick guide from OU Libraries.